- Q 2 – Analytical Validation
- Q 5 – Biotechnological Products
- Q 7 – Good Manufacturing Practices
- Q 8 – Pharmaceutical Development
- Q 9 – Quality Risk Management
- 10 – Pharmaceutical Quality System
ICH Q 1 – Stability Testing
A set of originally five guidelines (Q1A to Q1F)
- General aspects of stability testing (storage
conditions, batch size and number, length of
- Photostability
- Application to new dosage forms
- Possibilities for reduced test designs
(bracketing and matrixing)
- Statistical evaluation of stability data
and possibilities for extrapolation
- Storage conditions for stability testing in
climatic zones III and IV (withdrawn)
ICH Q 1 A (R2) – Scope
- For new API and related medicinal products
- To provide evidence on how the quality of an
API/finished product changes with time under
the influence of environmental factors such
as temperature, humidity and light and to
establish a re-test period/shelf-life for the
API/finished product
ICH Q 1 A (R2) – In a Nutshell
- Stress testing required for API
- Long-term and accelerated testing required for API and
product, where necessary intermediate testing
- Minimum of three representative batches
- Testing over a minimum of 12 months at LT and 6 months at
accelerated conditions (with defined testing frequency)
- Storage conditions for the “general case”, aqueous products
in semi-permeable containers, products to be stored in a
refrigerator and a freezer
- Stability commitment
ICH Q 1 B – In a Nutshell
- Describes requirements on photostability testing and defines
light exposure to be applied
- To be tested on API
- if not photosensitive, no further testing
- If photosensitive, to be continued on exposed finished
product and product in primary package, product in
marketing package, where relevant
- Where necessary, impact of light during manufacturing
process to be evaluated
- Confirmatory testing required, where applicable
ICH Q 1 C – In a Nutshell
- Additional guidance to ICH Q1 A(R2) on new
dosage forms (“line extensions”) for new
- Reduced requirements as regards time to be
covered at LT storage conditions at time of dossier
ICH Q 1 D – In a Nutshell
- Describes possibilities to apply reduced test designs, i.e.
bracketing and matrixing
- Defines situations where reduced testing can be applied
without additional justification, with justification or where it is
not applicable
- Bracketing: testing of extremes only
- Matrixing: testing of a different samples of factor
combinations at different time points during the study
- Provides example designs
ICH Q 2 – Analytical Validation will continue....next post..
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